Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Nationals Begin This Week

The USA Girls Nationals begin this week in Green Bay, Wisconsin and East Lansing, Michigan. Western New York is proud to have four teams taking part.

At the Tier I level the Buffalo Bisons 12U, 14U and 16U girls will take the ice. At Tier II it's the Niagara Jr. Purple Eagles at 14U.

The Buffalo Bisons !2U team will face MidFairfield, Ohio Flames and Little Caesars.
The Buffalo Bisons 14U team faceoff against Northern Lights Silver,Team Pittsburg and Honey Baked.
The 16U teams takes on the Connecticut Polar Bears, Team Pittsburg and Little Caesars.
Those games will be played in Green Bay.

In East Lansing Michigan the Purple Eagles take on Central Maine, Michigan Capitals and Team Pittsburgh.

Finals will be held April 10.

The Women's USA Nationals took place a week ago. The winners and runners up included:
Women's Senior A: Minnesota Blue Js with the New York All Stars and Rochester Edge runners up.
Senior B: Minnesota Blue J Hawks; runners-up: Anaheim Lady Ducks
Senior C: Mission; runner-up: San Jose Lady Sharks
30 plus: Team Connecticut with the Chicago Stars finishing second.

Representing WNY were the Rochester Edge in the Sr.C division. They lost to the Utah Thunder 2-1 in the quarterfinals. To get to that point they beat Indy Speed 6-1 and the Senior Lady Monarchs.They lost to Mission, the eventual champions, 4-1.

At the Sr. A division it was the NY All Stars and Rochester Edge teaming. They lost to Michigan 7-0 and Assabet Valley 1-0 before beating Team Connecticut 2-3 taking them to the semi finals where they beat Assabet Valley 3-0. They lost in the finals to Minnesota Blue Js 3-0.

Christine Pano and Katherine Morrison were named to the top 10 scorers list and Goalies Ashley Schneegold and Alexandra Talbott were named to the Top 10 GoalKeepers List.

The Rochester Edge beat Columbus Capitals 2-0, lost in sudden death overtime to the East Coast Wizards 2-0 and lost to Team Michigan 2-4 in the 30 Plus Division. Zoe Haubert and Chrissy Brewar were named to the Top 10 Goal Keepers Honors.

Sorry for no blog last week. Other commitments kept me from the keyboard.

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